Read: John 1:35–51
John tells us that Andrew followed Jesus on John the Baptist's testimony (v. 40). Andrew tells his brother, Simon Peter, ″We have found the Messiah″ (v. 41).
We then read that the only disciple whom Jesus seeks out in this chapter, Philip, who like Andrew and Peter is from Bethsaida, is told by Jesus, ″Follow me.″ Philip then goes on to find Nathanael, who confesses Jesus as the ″Son of God; you are the king of Israel″ (v. 49).
John records that every other disciple comes on the recommendation of someone else; throughout his gospel, only Philip is handpicked by Jesus. Why? One view notes that every other mention of Philip in this gospel stresses his ordinariness:
- In John 6:5-7, Jesus asks Philip where they can buy bread to feed the 5,000. Philip's reply? ″It would take more than half a year's wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!″ Philip's reply shows that he was thinking like any ordinary mortal: ″It is impossible″.
- In John 12:20-22, when the Greeks ask to see Jesus, Philip takes them to Andrew, perhaps lacking the courage to go to Jesus alone. His timidity shows his ordinariness.
- In John 14:8-9, Philip asks to see the Father and ″that will be enough for us″. Jesus expresses exasperation, ″even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father″. Philip's failure to grasp the true identity of Jesus despite having followed Him for so long reveals how spiritually inadequate and hence how ordinary he was.
Philip is remarkable for his ordinariness. He is Mr. Average among the disciples. Yet Jesus, upon finding Philip, said to him, ″Follow me″ (v. 43).
IQ scales and personality ratings are standards that may have their uses in this world. In God's kingdom, however, there is a place for everyone. Paul talks about reaching Jews and Greeks, wise and foolish-no one is off limits (Romans 1:14). In Revelation, John sees heaven populated by every nation, tribe, people, and language (Revelation 7:9). And, he might well have added, of every social status, intelligence level, and personality type.
Those who follow Jesus all have a place and great potential in the kingdom, whether they are above average, below average, or just average.
Think Through
How are you encouraged by Jesus' invitation to Philip?
How are you encouraged by Andrew finding Simon, and Philip finding Nathanael?