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Day 4: Pitching His Tent

Read: John 1:1-14

When my brother wasn’t well enough to go camping, my dad brought the camping trip to him. They pitched a tent behind our house, underneath the stars. Together they made their dwelling on the bumpy ground, reminiscent of the shepherds watching their flocks by night, taking in the outdoor sounds and waking with the dawn.

He who was with God before the creation of the world has come to be the light shining in the darkness.

John, in the poetic opening to his gospel, describes how Jesus came to Earth and pitched His tent with us: “The Word became human and made his home among us” (John 1:14). The Greek word here for made his home means to pitch a tent, and it’s the same word used elsewhere in the New Testament for the tent—the tabernacle—where God dwelled with the Israelites in the Old Testament (Acts 7:44). As God camped out with the Israelites, so too has Jesus set up His tent to be with His people.

When you have a few moments, read through the opening verses of John’s gospel slowly and let the amazing truths sink in about the Word made flesh, Jesus who came to Earth to dwell among us. As the inspiring song “Angels from the Realms of Glory” says, “God with man is now residing.” He who was with God before the creation of the world has come to be the light shining in the darkness.

Written by Amy Boucher Pye

What does it mean for you that Jesus “pitches His tent” on Earth?
How might you share His light today?

Dear Jesus, You came from the Father, and You take us to the Father.
Thank You for pitching Your tent among us, bringing us grace and truth.

The true message of Christmas then is that, because Jesus came to save people from their sins, all those who put their trust in Him can be once more put right with God and enjoy a living, meaningful and vibrant friendship with Him, eventually culminating in everlasting life with Him in heaven.

Now that’s a gift to be celebrated!

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