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Day 3: With Us

Read: Matthew 1:20-23

On a Christmas morning years ago, I stood beside my dad at the foot of the stairs and saw the sadness in his face. The effects of dementia were progressing. He realized he’d never again climb those stairs and enter the room he’d shared with my mom all these years.

Jesus’ birth redeems the endings in our life.

Our family entered a season of waiting. Waiting for the disease to remove Daddy’s voice and thinking. Waiting for the moment when his eyes would tell us he didn’t know who we were. Waiting for the endings to come.

That Christmas I found hope in the song “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” It’s about waiting. The Israelites had been waiting for the Messiah to come—wondering if He really would. Their waiting, however, wasn’t in vain. Jesus was born into our world to save us from sin—His birth the fulfillment of prophecy hundreds of years before: “The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’),” said the prophet (Isaiah 7:14).

Jesus’ birth redeems the endings in our life. His presence strengthens us as we wait for them and journey through them. God was with my dad that day as he looked up the flight of stairs. And one day, He will be with us, forever. He’s the end of all our painful waiting—the end of all our endings. God is with us (Matthew 1:23).

Written by Karen Huang

How does the truth of God’s presence with you transform your seasons of waiting?
Even while knowing that life is full of endings, why can you still look to the future with hope?

Jesus, thank You for being my Immanuel.

During hardship and trouble, tough questions often arise: Where is God? How do I respond to difficulties? Is God both good and all-powerful?

In this Discovery Series booklet Out of the Ashes by Bill Crowder, you’ll explore Job’s struggle with the problem of suffering. Through Job’s story, discover how you can trust God despite unanswered questions and gain a fresh perspective on the cross as God’s answer to suffering.

To find out more about this resource, click here.

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